Reboot your Life!

One day offline to get closer to your goal or next step!

Do you want to get your goal, your next step clear? Privately, for work, or for both? A day for yourself and get away from all the (online) stimuli? And get (back) in touch with what you really stand for? Experience peace and feel renewed energy?

Then register now for the Reboot your Life! workshop. You will go home recharged, with new insights and a clearer goal.

We have a Reboot your Life for 25-35 year old and we have one for those over 35 (no age limit).

The program consists of the following components:

  • Online introduction to get a clearer picture of your needs
  • One day with others at a beautiful location in nature
  • Online coaching after 2 weeks

Do you want more information, please get in touch!


What can you expect?

Beforehand you will receive an online intake to clarify your needs.

The workshop takes place at Buitenplaats De Hoorneboeg, a beautiful location on the edge of the Hilversum heath. We will go into nature a lot during this day.

Upon arrival you go offline to disconnect from all (online) stimuli. In the morning we get to know each other, see where your passion lies, what gives you energy and what step you want to take. After lunch you will go to work to sharpen your focus. At the end of the afternoon your next step is clear, and you take home concrete tools.

After 2 weeks you will have an online coaching session and we will discuss what taking the next step has brought you.


  • You experience more peace and energy
  • You have new insights
  • You feel more connected
  • Your goal is clearer
  • 100% result: You take a concrete step towards your goal
Locatie Hoorneboeg

“Calming and inspiring! I take away the motivation that I lacked for a long time to get moving again. Both in terms of sport and career.”

Carmen about Reboot your Life!
Een pad omgeven door bomen en velden onder een heldere blauwe lucht.

“I found it very positive and energizing! It really gave me a self-confidence boost. And inspiring to meet others in a beautiful environment.”

Simone about Reboot your Life!
De Hilversumse Heide landschap met splitsing van bospaden

“It has helped me immensely to make my goal clear and attainable.”

Alexander about Reboot your Life!
Wit huis met openstaande deuren naar een groene tuin op de Hoorneboeg In de Luwte

“I learned a lot and I got my goal concrete. Nice to meet others and to hear their stories!”

Sylvana about Reboot your Life!
Zonsopgang op trail locatie in een mistig bos

“I have experienced the day offline, without my mobile, as very nice and valuable!”

Matthijs about Reboot your Life!
Foto reboot your life locatie met zon en mistig landschap

“I experienced it as a very pleasant day. Nice to be able to work with personal themes in such a beautiful environment.”

Stella about Reboot your Life!
Laan met hoge boomstammen bij de Hilversumse heide en bos

Accessible, open and innovative!

Jeroen about Reboot your Life!

Activities for this program

One day offline to get your goal or next step sharper!

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One day offline to get your goal or next step sharper!

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One day offline to get your goal or next step sharper!

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One day offline to get your goal or next step sharper!

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Curious? Contact us now!

Sandra Graumans-van Dun
Office manager

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