FNL Scholarship Fund

During the 20-year existence of the FNL, we have decided to establish a Scholarship Fund aimed at providing more individuals access to the leadership programs we organize at the FNL, thereby contributing even more to the development of sustainable leadership.
Throughout FNL’s existence, we have observed that all our participants, each in their own way, contribute to the preservation of nature, a conscious approach to leadership, and greater societal engagement after attending a trail.
In our programs, we explore together with the participants the impact on their private, personal, and professional lives, as well as the influence each person has on the planet. The time spent in nature ensures that you experience the dependence of humans on nature first-hand.
FNL Scholarship Fund
Since it’s not possible for everyone to fund their participation in one of our leadership programs themselves, or through their employer, we have established the FNL Scholarship Fund. All participants in our programs contribute a small amount to the Scholarship Fund through their participation fee, following the Pay-It-Forward principle.
The aim of this fund is to offer people who make a socio-economic contribution to society, and whose organization or themselves are unable to fully finance the costs, the opportunity to participate in one of our programs. Additionally, we aim to increase the diversity and inclusivity of our program participants. Participation with a Scholarship might include attending a trail in Italy, a Reboot Your Life program, or participating in the Four Seasons program.
For Whom
The fund is intended for individuals whose employer or organization cannot fully finance the cost of an FNL program and whose personal resources are also insufficient. Moreover, these are individuals who are in a socio-economic position and can thereby contribute positively to society. This includes areas such as education, healthcare, arts & culture, NGOs, or other organizations with a significant social impact. These individuals aim to use the leadership program to enhance their personal impact.
Note: The Scholarship Fund consists of a supplement to the participant’s contribution. As a guideline, we use the principle that a third is paid by the individual, and the rest is supplemented by the fund.
Apply for FNL Scholarship
If you want to know more about the Scholarships, you can contact Deborah, Arjan, or Joost. Send a motivation (1 A4) by email to one of us, and based on that, we will schedule a personal conversation.