As Foundation for Natural Leadership we believe that people have the potential and the responsibility to make the world of today and tomorrow more sustainable, both socially and ecologically. It is our ambition to awaken and stimulate that potential and to support people and organizations in finding new paths.
The FNL contributes to your development of consciousness and unlocks your natural leadership. Nature supports you in discovering your own nature and potential, and the awareness that we are one with nature: Nature as a portal to leadership. Our programs have impact on your personal development, but indirectly also on that of your family, friends, relationships, organizations and our earth.

During our programs in nature, free from all stimuli, new insights arise through reflection. More awareness is created for the power of nature: nature works as a source of inspiration for what is really important to you. Our programs are aimed at making you aware of all elements of the universe and their place in the greater whole. And through impactful moments in nature you become more aware that you are part of nature.

The foundation is formed by our Wilderness Leadership Transformation Programs with destinations in Africa and Europe. In addition, FNL offers a number of new Natural Leadership programs for different audiences, such as former trail participants and millennials.