One year program Natural Leadership

In the rhythm of the seasons

As announced earlier, FNL has developed a unique program (in the Netherlands) based on Voigt’s ideas to make you more aware of the seasonal cycles. In four pit-stops of one and a half days you learn to move with what nature shows us.

Former participants indicate that the program has a great impact in terms of experiencing more peace and focus, achieving personal goals more and feeling better about themselves.

“Connecting with nature and yourself for 4 x 24 hours, to the rhythm of the seasons, is inspiring and offers unexpected insights.”

“The ‘being’ in nature combined with the look inwards, makes you very aware of the changing of the seasons and how you can move in it.”

Jaqueline Kerstma.

“ “Magical moments in nature, insights on a deeper level.”Magische momenten in de natuur, inzichten op een dieper niveau.”

In the fall, we also have 2 more One Year Natural Leadership programs planned. More information can be found here.

See here what our participants are saying about this program.

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