If you do what you always did

By Hans de Boer
Are you “in” for different leadership? For transformative leadership? Leadership that puts the person at the center and wants to be of service, in the business, social, and ecological realms? But you’re not entirely sure how to best approach this for yourself? Then FNL’s leadership Trails are most likely for you. Spend a few days in nature with a small group of like-minded individuals, completely offline and without any scheduled time. Work on your personal development.
If you do what you did, then yes, you get what you got. Is that bad? No, maybe not. But on the other hand, does it take you any further? That’s the question.
Do you recognize this? Suddenly having a groundbreaking idea? An “Aha Erlebnis” or a “Eureka” moment? Knowing it in a split second? You probably do. Everyone has these moments occasionally. Have you ever wondered how this actually happens? How you suddenly come to a realization? And wouldn’t you like to have that special “Wow!” feeling more often? FNL’s Trails facilitate that “Wow” feeling.
This phenomenon of an insight “out of nowhere” caught the attention of Carl Friedrich Jung as far back as the 1930s. And he named it: Synchronicity.
After research, Jung concluded that there must be a form of “a priori” knowledge in our unconscious. Knowledge that becomes available when you open up to it. How? By doing absolutely nothing. By letting everything go and surrendering to what is. Does this sound too abstract for you? Then continue reading.
The idea of “a priori” knowledge has been adopted by Claus Otto Scharmer, a professor at the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He incorporated his insights into a model called “Theory U.” By surrendering to peace and silence, by “letting go,” you can come to insights. Scharmer calls it a process of “Letting-go” and “Letting-come.”
And then? Then inspiration comes, naturally.
The Foundation for Natural Leadership has embraced Theory U as a practical method to gain insights. It serves as the basis for the FNL leadership Trails. To maximize this “U process” of letting go and opening up, the Trails take place right in the middle of nature.
The Japanese call this “Shinrin Yoku,” or translated literally into English, “bathing in the forest.”
One thing is clear: if you do what you did, you get what you got. It may be comforting because it’s safe. But as I said, it doesn’t bring you anything new. No Eureka, no Aha Erlebnis, no Wow!
Are you ready for a transformation of your leadership? Ready to do what you haven’t done yet? If so, I hope to welcome you soon at the Foundation for Natural Leadership!
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