Fundraiser WLS Africa – April 9 & 10

On Tuesday, April 9th, FNL, together with Botswana October ’23 Trailists, is organizing a special fundraiser event at the beautiful ARTIS-Groote Museum, which will exclusively open its doors for us that evening! This event is in support of the Wilderness Leadership School (WLS), the South African partner of FNL and provider of the amazing local guides that make our (and your) trails so special!
Expect inspiring wilderness stories (including from Paul Jordaan, a guide at WLS), beautiful live music from Sibusile Xaba, and special encounters. There are still a few tickets available. Sign up quickly because space is limited! 👉 Register for the benefit evening on April 9th.
Can’t attend? 👉 You can also contribute via the online crowdfunding page: 👉
On April 10th, we are organizing a workshop on natural leadership at @PLUKtrainingslocaties with Paul Jordaan and Joost Leeflang (FNL), the proceeds of which will also go to WLS: Workshop Natuurlijk leiderschap
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